What is this form for?
When you click "begin form submission" below, you will be directed to a form which you can use to submit questions or report information to us. You will also be asked to submit some information about yourself, so that we are able to contact you. If you are reporting information on behalf of someone else, we will also ask for information about them.
If you want to report a concern to us, please read our information about Concerns about a barrister? before using this form. In most cases where you want to report your own barrister or a chambers, you should speak to them about the matter first. Usually, you will not be able to make a report to us without first speaking to the Legal Ombudsman.
We will normally disclose the contents of reports we receive about those we regulate, to the barrister or chambers concerned. We may also disclose any supporting evidence. This disclosure will usually include your name and the name of any witness(es) you put forward, but we would normally redact your contact details or your witness(es)’ contact details. If you have a particular reason why we should also redact any special category data, please provide us with details of this. However, if you or your witness(es) wish to remain anonymous, we will try to respect this where there is good reason. Please notify us of any requests for anonymity in writing and provide reasons. You can do this by highlighting any such requests in the form. You can find out more about how we use your information and what we keep, on the information section of our website.
If you are a barrister, you can use this form to submit reports under rC65 and rC66 of the BSB Handbook.
Reasonable adjustments
The quickest and easiest way for most people to ask or tell us something is to use our online form. However, if you are unable to use or access the online form due to a disability, health or mental health condition and require a reasonable adjustment, please read our Reasonable Adjustments Policy.
Privacy Statement
We are committed to ensuring the privacy of your personal information. For more about this, please see our Privacy Statement.