Past disciplinary findings

Use our search function to discover disciplinary judgements relating to any barrister or other regulated person made since 2002. The search includes those made by a Disciplinary Tribunal and those made using the Determination by Consent process.

We publish all judgements where a finding of professional misconduct has been made.

  • For findings that do not result in a sentence involving a period of suspension or disbarment - information about them is available for 2 years;
  • For findings that result in a sentence involving a period of suspension from practising as a barrister for 12 months or fewer the period is 5 years in addition to the duration of the suspension period;
  • For findings that result in a sentence involving a period of suspension from practising as a barrister of more than 12 months the period is 10 years in addition to the duration of the suspension period;
  • For findings that result in a sentence involving disbarment the period is 60 years

You can read our full policy on the publication of disciplinary findings of professional misconduct.

To search for past disciplinary findings, please access our online Past Disciplinary Findings database.

All new judgements will be on the site within eight days.

If you want to enquire about a barrister's disciplinary record, contact our Investigations and Enforcement team on 0207 611 1444 . 

Usually, the penalty given by a Disciplinary Tribunal will start straight away. But if an appeal has been lodged, sometimes the Disciplinary Tribunal will agree to wait until the result of the appeal is known.

Future hearings

Usually, anyone is able to attend Disciplinary Tribunal Hearings. In some cases however, an order may be made to make a particular hearing private.

You can find a calendar of future hearings on the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service website. The calendar will tell you where and when the hearings are held, if you want to attend.

Most hearings start at 10.30am and are held in:

The Tribunal Suite
Gray's Inn
First floor
9 Grays Inn Square
London, WC1R 5JF

Please view the map for a map of the above address.

There is limited space at the hearings, so we encourage you to reserve a space by calling the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service on 0203 432 7350 or by emailing [email protected].

Hearings can be cancelled or postponed at short notice. If you wish to attend, we suggest you contact the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service the day before the hearing to make sure that it is still going ahead that day.