Mr Bruce Tattersall

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Barrister Status:
Oct 1997
Middle Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Ms Belinda Knight ,  Mr Godwin John Antoine Busuttil ,  Mr Jeffrey Ernest Jupp KC ,  Mrs Lucinda Barnett ,  His Honour Judge Michael Findlay Baker KC
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct, pursuant to paragraph 901.5 and 901.7 contrary to paragraph 202(c), 301(a)(iii) and 905(f) of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (8th Edition).
Offence details:

Bruce Tattersall, on dates between 25 November 2012 and 1 December 2012, failed to comply with the sentence of suspension imposed on him by a Disciplinary Tribunal on 24 February 2010 in that he appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court as a barrister conducting reserved legal activity at a time when he was suspended from practising as a barrister by order of the Disciplinary Tribunal dated 24 February 2010 suspending him from practising until such time as all outstanding fines, financial penalties and costs had been satisfactorily paid to the Bar Standards Board which, as at 15 June 2013 remained outstanding. Bruce Tattersall, contrary to paragraph 202(c) of the Code of Conduct and Annex D of the Code of Conduct, practised as a barrister and carried out reserved legal activities between 1 April 2012 and 13 March 2013 without having a practising certificate issued by the Bar Council. This failure was serious and therefore constituted professional misconduct pursuant to paragraph 901.5 of the Code of Conduct by virtue of its nature and extent in that:

i. Mr Tattersall was suspended from practice at the relevant time;

ii. Practising without a practising certificate constituted a criminal offence pursuant to s14 Legal Services Act 2007; and

iii. Mr Tattersall had previously failed to comply with the same provision of the Code of

Conduct, namely paragraph 202(c), in 2007 and 2008.

Bruce Tattersall, on days between 1 November and 30 November 2012, engaged in conduct likely to diminish public confidence in the legal profession or the administration of justice or otherwise brought the legal profession into disrepute in that he appeared before the Crown Court at Snaresbrook in the case of Regina v Mounssi and Teladjati T20120621, while he was suspended from practice and did not have a practising certificate.

Open to Appeal