Mr Giles Norton

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Barrister Status:
Nov 2004
Inner Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Mrs Louise Clements ,  His Honour Judge Michael Findlay Baker KC ,  Ms Pamela Mansell ,  Mr Richard Peter Mark Hutchings
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct, contrary to paragraph 902 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (7th Edition) and professional misconduct, contrary to paragraph 901.5 and 905(d) of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (8th Edition)
Offence details:

Giles Norton on 1st April 2004 made a declaration on his Call to the Bar which was false in a material respect, in that he failed to declare that he had been convicted of three criminal offences on 27th March 1998 at the Sheffield Magistrates' Court namely:

i. a charge of possessing a CS spray canister without the authority of the Secretary of State;

ii. a further charge of possessing a CS spray canister without the authority of the Secretary of State; and

iii. wilfully obstructing PC X, a police constable, in the execution of his duty.

Giles Norton on 1st April 2004 made a declaration on his Call to the Bar which was false in a material respect, in that he represented that he had the following qualifications:

i. a BA Degree from Harvard University in Chinese; and

ii. a BA Degree from Harvard University in Information Technology.

Giles Norton having been asked to provide comments or information on a complaint by the Bar Standards Board in letters dated 6th March 2013, 21st March 2013 and 30th May 2013 and having been reminded of his duty to respond promptly to any request for comments or information pursuant to paragraph 905(d) of the Code of Conduct, failed to respond promptly to the said request. Such failure was serious and constitutes professional misconduct pursuant to paragraph 901.5 due to the nature of the failure and the extent of the failure and due to its combination with failures to comply with another provision of the Code of Conduct, paragraph 902, as set out in Charge 1 above.

Disbarred Fined the sum of £500
Open to Appeal