Miss Frances Louise Brough

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Barrister Status:
Oct 2005
Gray's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Mr Ian Duncan Menzies-Conacher ,  Miss Janice Lesley Brennan ,  Mr Robert John Walton KC ,  Ms Sheila Brougham ,  Her Honour Judge Suzan Patricia Matthews KC
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct, contrary to paragraphs 301(a)(i) and 905(b)(iii) and pursuant to paragraph 901.7 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (8th Edition). Professional misconduct contrary to Core Duty 9 and Rule rC64.1 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook (1st Edition).
Offence details:

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 12th day of August 2013 she was convicted after trial at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court of assaulting by beating FDB contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 16 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle upon Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 12th day of August 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the code of conduct, namely assaulting by beating FDB such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 12th day of August 2013 she was convicted after trial at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court of assaulting by beating MB contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 16 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle on Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 12th day of August 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the Code of Conduct, namely assaulting by beating MB, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 12th day of August 2013 she was convicted after trial at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court of assaulting Police Constable S who was in the execution of his duty, contrary to section 89(1) of the Police Act 1996. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 16 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle on Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 12th day of August 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the code of conduct, namely assaulting Police Constable S, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 19th day of August 2013 she was convicted after pleading guilty at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court to an offence of breaching a non-molestation order made on the 12th August 2013 by the Morpeth and Berwick County Court. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 8 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle on Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 19th day of August 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the Code of Conduct, namely breach of non-molestation order, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 16th day of September 2013 she was convicted after trial at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court of assaulting Police Constable C who was in the execution of his duty, contrary to section 89(1) of the Police Act 1996. As a result of that conviction, she was sentenced by the said Magistrates Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 10 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle upon Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 16th day of September 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the code, namely assaulting Police Constable C in the execution of his duty such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she was convicted after pleading guilty at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court to an offence of assaulting by beating MR contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 10 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle on Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the Code of Conduct, namely assaulting MR, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she was convicted after pleading guilty at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court to an offence of assaulting by beating DR contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 10 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle upon Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the code of conduct, namely assault upon DR, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct, in that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she was convicted after pleading guilty at the South East Northumberland Magistrates Court to an offence of using threatening words and behavior towards MR contrary to section 4A(1) of the Public Order Act 1986. As a result of that conviction she was sentenced by the said Magistrates? Court on the 30th day of September 2013 to a term of 4 weeks imprisonment, which sentence was varied by the Newcastle on Tyne Crown Court on the 22nd day of November 2013 to a community order for 3 years with a requirement that she be supervised by the probation service.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 23rd day of September 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the code of conduct, namely using threatening words and behaviour contrary to Section 4A(1) of the Public Order Act 1986, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister, contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) of the Code of Conduct in that that she committed an offence of fraud by false representation contrary to Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 of which offence she was convicted at the Southwark Crown Court on the 3rd day of December 2013 and on the 22nd day of April 2014 she was sentenced to a sentence of 15 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months and to pay a victim surcharge of ?100.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH failed to report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that on the 3rd day of December 2013 she had been convicted of a relevant criminal offence as defined in part 10 of the Code of Conduct, namely Fraud, such failure being contrary to 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister in that she failed to comply with her obligations under rule C64 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook in that she did not provide promptly all such information as was required of her by the BSB in correspondence:

1) Dated 1 May 2014 being correspondence issued in respect of complaint number PC 2013/0541 which required that the relevant information be provided by 27 May 2014;

2) 19 May 2014 being correspondence issued in respect of complaint number PC 2013/0541 which required that within 7 days thereof the information be provided.

Suspended for 82 months and Disbarred and expelled from the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn
Open to Appeal