Miss Frances Louise Brough

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Barrister Status:
Oct 2005
Gray's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Mr Ian Duncan Menzies-Conacher ,  Miss Janice Lesley Brennan ,  Mr Robert John Walton KC ,  Ms Sheila Brougham ,  Her Honour Judge Suzan Patricia Matthews KC
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct contrary to Core Duty 5 and Core Duty 9 and Rules rC64, rC64.1 and rC65 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook (1st Edition).
Offence details:

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister in that she failed to cooperate with her Regulator by her failure to comply with the obligations under rC64.2 by her failure to pay a fine of ?350 imposed by a Disciplinary Tribunal on 30 April 2013 which was due to be paid by 7 June 2013.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister in that she failed to cooperate with her Regulator by way of her failure to comply with the obligations under rC64.1 of the Code of Conduct in that she failed to reply to correspondence from her regulator, the Bar Standards Board in relation to a complaint reference number PC2014/0197 raised against her on 27 June 2014 in respect of the non-payment of the fine imposed on her by a Disciplinary Tribunal on 30 April 2013.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister and likely to diminish the trust and confidence in which the public places in her or in the profession in that on 3 February 2014, on her own admission she was convicted at the Newcastle Crown Court of two counts in separate indictments each alleging a breach of a non-molestation order. In relation to each indictment on the 22nd April 2014 she received a sentence of 3 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months, a supervision order for 12 months and a restraining order for 5 years.

FRANCES LOUISE BROUGH engaged in conduct which was discreditable to a barrister in that she failed to cooperate with her regulator and comply with the obligations under rC65 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook in that she failed to report the convictions of 3 February 2014 for breaches of a non-molestation order to the Bar Standards Board promptly or at all.

Suspended for 25 months and Disbarred and expelled from the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn