Mr Dominic Thomas George Brazil

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Barrister Status:
Self Employed
Nov 1995
Middle Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Miss Amanda Claire Savage KC ,  Mr Colin Wilby ,  Mr David Justin Povall ,  His Honour Judge Glenn Clifford Brasse ,  Ms Satya Schofield
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional Misconduct contrary to Core Duty 3, 10, rC9.1 and rC120 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook (1st edition, January 2014).
Offence details:

Dominic Brazil, a barrister, failed to act with honesty and integrity in that, on or about 15 November 2014, and in order to mislead or attempt to mislead his Chambers, he deliberately deleted emails between himself and Dr P that evidenced several payments (totalling ?16,500) from Dr P into Dominic Brazil?s private bank account, and falsely claimed that he had acted for Dr P on a pro bono basis.

Dominic Brazil, a barrister, undertook the general conduct of a lay client?s affairs without being instructed by a solicitor, without being properly qualified as a Public Access Practitioner by having satisfactorily completed the appropriate public access training and by registering with the Bar Council as a public access practitioner as required by rC120 of the BSB Handbook (1st Edition 2014), in that on or about 2 October 2014 he accepted instructions from a lay client, Dr P, to attend a round table meeting on behalf of Dr P on 13 October 2014 and to represent Dr P at a hearing at Worthing County Court between 3 and 7 November 2014, and did so attend such meeting and hearing on those dates, for which appearances Dr P paid Dominic Brazil a total of ?16,500.

Dominic Brazil, a barrister, failed to act with honesty and integrity in that, on or about 17 November 2014 he knowingly misled or attempted to mislead his joint heads of chambers about his representation of Dr P and about the payments which Dominic Brazil had received directly from Dr P to represent him.

Dominic Brazil, a barrister, failed to act with honesty and integrity in that, from around 2 October 2014 to 11 November 2014, in order to mislead or attempt to mislead his chambers, he concealed from his clerks the fact that he was continuing to represent Dr P.

Suspended for a period of 14 Months Reprimand.