Mr Mohammed Shafee Shaikh

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Barrister Status:
Mar 2013
Lincoln's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Mr Alexander Charles Ross Chandler KC ,  Mr Godwin John Antoine Busuttil ,  Mrs Pamela Varley ,  Mrs Sheila Hollingworth ,  Her Honour Judge Veronica Lesley Hammerton
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct contrary to Core Duty CD5 and CD9 in Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board’s Handbook, First Edition.
Offence details:

Mohammed Shaikh behaved in a way which was likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public placed in him or in the profession, contrary to Core Duty CD5 in Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board?s Handbook, First Edition, in that he was convicted by Ipswich Crown Court on 10 April 2015 of offences of fraudulently evading duty, contrary to the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, for which offence he was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months and 150 hours unpaid work.

Mohammed Shaikh behaved in a way contrary to Core Duty CD9 and Conduct Rule rC65 of the Code of Conduct in Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board?s Handbook, First Edition, in that he failed to promptly report his conviction on 10 April 2015 for fraudulently evading duty, to the Bar Standards Board.

Disbarred- Sentence effective from 11 November 2016.