Mr Terry Symmonds

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Barrister Status:
Jul 1989
Lincoln's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional Misconduct contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) and/or (iii), 905(b)(v) and pursuant to paragraph 901.7 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (8th edition) and Core Duty 9 and/or rule rC65.3 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (9th edition)
Offence details:

Terry Symmonds, a barrister, engaged in conduct which was discreditable and/or likely to diminish public confidence in the legal profession or the administration of justice or otherwise bring the legal profession into disrepute in that, while he was in practice as a solicitor, he
a) Failed to pay the fees of counsel as they fell due;
b) Failed to comply with directions of the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (‘SRA’) with respect to the said fees;
c) Failed to deal with the SRA in an open, prompt and cooperative way;
d) Failed to maintain properly written up books of account;
e) Failed to produce documents to the SRA when properly called upon to do so;
f) Failed to pay funds received for the payment of professional disbursements into client bank account; and
g) Failed to provide a mortgagee client with relevant information

and in respect of such conduct charges of professional misconduct were found proved against Terry Symmonds by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in findings dated 28 July 2009 and he was fined £5,000, and he also

h) Failed to deal with the Legal Complaints Service and the SRA in an open, prompt and co-operative way;
i) Behaved in a way likely to diminish the public’s confidence by virtue of the manner in which he closed his practice;
j) Breached the terms of a professional undertaking; and
k) Failed to comply with Court Orders

and in respect of such conduct charges of professional misconduct were found proved against Terry Symmonds by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in findings dated 6 January 2011 and he was suspended from practice as a solicitor for the period of one year, and he also

l) Acted in breach of the Solicitors Account Rules 1998;
m) Acted in breach of Rules 1.02, 1.04, 1.05 and 1.06 of the Solicitors Code of Conduct 2007; and
n) Acted in breach of Rule 20.08 of the Solicitors Code of Conduct 2007
and in respect of such conduct charges of professional misconduct were found proved against Terry Symmonds by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in findings dated 9 July 2014 and his name was struck from the Roll of Solicitors

Terry Symmonds failed to co-operate with his regulator and comply with the obligations under paragraph 905(b)(v) of the 8th edition of the Code of Conduct in that he failed to report one or more of the findings of professional misconduct made by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal on 28 July 2009 and 6 January 2011 against him promptly to the Bar Standards Board or at all

Terry Symmonds failed to be open and co-operative with his regulator and comply with the obligations under rC65.3 in that he failed to report the finding of professional misconduct made by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal on 9 July 2014 against him and/or the consequent order to strike him off the Roll of Solicitors promptly to the Bar Standards Board or at all

Disbarred (Sentence came into effect 2 November 2020)