Mr Felix Joel Evans

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Barrister Status:
Jul 2014
Inner Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct contrary to CD5, rC65.1, and rC65.2 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook (Version 2.2 and Version 3.1)
Offence details:

Felix Evans, an unregistered barrister, acted in a way likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in him or in the profession, in that on 12 February 2017 he caused wounding/grievous bodily harm to another person. For this conduct he was on 3 January 2018 convicted of an offence contrary to section 20 Offences Against the Person Act 1861 and sentenced to 24 months in custody, suspended for 24 months, and order to pay £5000 compensation and £140 victim surcharge.

Felix Evans, an unregistered barrister, did not report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that he was, on 12 July 2017, charged with an indictable offence.

Felix Evans, an unregistered barrister, did not report promptly to the Bar Standards Board that he was, on 3 January 2018 convicted of causing grievous bodily harm, contrary to section 20 Offences Against the Persons Act 1861.

Suspended for 3 years and fined in the sum of £2000 Sentence came into effect 3 November 2020