Mr Alan Wheetman

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Barrister Status:
Oct 1995
Middle Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct, contrary to CD5 of the Conduct Rules (Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board’s Handbook – Version 4.6).
Offence details:

Alan Wheetman, a barrister, behaved in a way which was likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in him or in the profession, in that, on
or around 2 August 2022, while at a Magistrates’ Court or thereafter, Mr Wheetman,
(i) asked Person A if her eyelashes were real,
(ii) told Person A that he had done his own “stalking” on Facebook and found her profile,
(iii) showed Person A photographs of semi-nude women, on his photography webpage on the Purpleport website,
(iv) offered to take photographs of Person A, with the suggestion that the modelling could be without clothing, with words to the effect of “you don’t have to start with fanny or minge shots, we could do face pictures and
then do a bit more if you want”,
(v) offered to provide Person A a link to his photography webpage which contained photographs of semi-nude women,
(vi) sent Person A a link to his photography webpage which contained photographs of semi-nude women.

Prohibited from being issued a practising certificate for 24 months (Sentence effective from 04 March 2025). If returning to practice, Mr Wheetman is required to undertake a BSB recognised course on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Open to Appeal