Mr Henry Charles William King
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View recordHenry King, a barrister and BSB regulated person, behaved in a way which could reasonably be seen by the public to undermine his integrity, and/or behaved in a way which was likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in him or in the profession, in that, during the Chambers’ Christmas party on 15 December 2023, he touched Person A inappropriately, under her skirt on the thigh/bottom and/or also on the breast, and the touching was unwanted and/or amounted to harassment.
Henry King, a barrister and BSB regulated person, behaved in a way which could reasonably be seen by the public to undermine his integrity, and/or behaved in a way which was likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in him or in the profession, in that, during the Chambers’ Christmas party on 15 December 2023, he said the words set out in Schedule A paragraph 1 towards Person A, such conduct was unwanted and/or amounted to harassment.