Ms Lucilda Victoria Stewart

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Barrister Status:
Jul 1999
Gray's Inn
Hearing type:
Visitors Hearing (appeal)
Decision date
Breach details:
Paragraph 802.1 (a) and 301(a) of the Code of Conduct
Offence details:

On the 23rd October 2002 a Disciplinary Tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court (Chairman: His Honour Judge Serota QC) sat to hear and determine four charges of professional misconduct against Miss Lucilda Prenzler-Stewart. Mr Tom Forster appeared on behalf of the Professional Conduct and Complaints Committee of the General Council of the Bar (PCCC). The Defendant was present but was not represented.

Lucilda Prenzler-Stewart between the 1st August 1999 and the 15th February 2000 acted in a manner discreditable to a barrister in that she gave evidence during the course of civil proceedings about the circumstances surrounding a section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act Notice terminating a lease that was false.

Lucilda Prenzler-Stewart between the 1st August 1999 and the 15th February 2000 acted in a manner discreditable to a barrister in that she gave evidence during the course of civil proceedings about her legal qualifications and status as a member of the Bar that was false.

Disbarred and to pay costs of £656. Appeal dismissed. Sentence upheld.