Ms Audrey Llewellyn-Evans

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Barrister Status:
Oct 1997
Middle Temple
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Decision date
Breach details:
Paragraphs 301(a)(i) (7th Edition) and 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct (8th Edition)
Offence details:

Audrey Llewellyn-Evans, an employed barrister, between 1 January 2000 and 1 March 2004 dishonestly provided false information to prospective employers concerning her qualifications and professional experience.

Audrey Llewellyn-Evans, an employed barrister, between 1 January 2000 and 1 March 2004 dishonestly provided false information to prospective employers concerning persons who could act as her referees.

Audrey Llewellyn-Evans, an employed barrister, on or about 23 February 2004, dishonestly submitted a statutory declaration to the Law Society which falsely purported to have been witnessed by one Anthony Wilson and certified by one Francis George.

Audrey Llewellyn-Evans, having been found guilty by the Solicitors? Disciplinary Tribunal of conduct unbefitting a solicitor and ordered to be struck off the Roll of Solicitors on 12 July 2007, failed to report that fact promptly to the Bar Council in contravention of paragraph 905(b)(iii) of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales.
