We authorise two types of entities:

  • BSB Authorised Bodies are fully owned and managed by authorised individuals (lawyers with current practising certificates)
  • BSB Licensed Bodies also referred to as Alternative Business Structures ("ABS") are owned and managed jointly by authorised individuals and others. These could include a mix of other professionals, or family-owned businesses.

We primarily authorise entities that specialise in the type of work typically undertaken by barristers such as advocacy, litigation and specialist legal advice. 

If you want to know more about BSB-regulated entities and to see a list of those which we already authorise, please visit our Entities Register page.

Becoming a BSB entity

Read more about becoming a BSB entity by selecting one of the following links:

Please read the information contained on these webpages in the first instance and then, if you have any questions, please contact us on 020 7611 1339 or [email protected].