Deans Court Chambers

A proactive approach to professional development, including a series of in-house masterclasses.


Deans Court Chambers is a modern, innovative, and forward-looking set comprising around 100 barristers, 12 of whom are King’s Counsel. We aim to provide the highest service standards and anticipate and respond to our clients’ needs. Originally founded over 125 years ago on Moseley Street Manchester (Circa 1897), Deans Court Chambers is recognised as one of the country's leading sets of independent barristers, with a strong presence nationally and locally.

Chambers believes that continuing professional development (CPD) is extremely important in ensuring we deliver the best possible service to our clients. Professional development allows barristers to develop their understanding of a particular area of law, ensure they are up to date with relevant changes, and uphold our reputation for superb client care.

What Deans Court Chambers does

  • We have always promoted a proactive approach to CPD, including completing CPD forms throughout the year. Regular reminders are sent regarding due dates.
  • Barristers are expected to complete their CPD requirements to the best of their ability. They are reminded that this process is for their benefit and to further their practice.
  • Members are set specific deadlines when chambers expects CPD to be completed. If members fail to meet these deadlines, this is reported to the Head of Chambers for further investigation and explanation.
  • We regularly offer ‘Masterclass’ sessions where senior members of chambers present 30-40 minute sessions on topics such as ‘Building a clinical negligence practice and keeping it’, ‘How to cross-examine an expert’ and even ‘Using social media to promote your practice’.
  • These sessions encourage younger practitioners to reflect on their practice and learn from the experiences of more senior members' triumphs and mistakes during their time at the Bar.
  • Feedback on these sessions has been excellent, and we have seen an increase in CPD engagement, especially from our junior members, as they look to enhance their practice. Senior members have also found that discussions with junior members at these sessions have helped them reflect on their practices and processes.
  • Barristers are expected to focus on a particular area of their practice that they would like to evolve or ensure they are up to date with, for example, due to regular changes through case law and statutory updates.
  • Improving barristers’ practice through CPD has allowed us to offer a better service to our clients, adding value to chambers and the industry we serve.
  • Chambers’ approach to CPD has greatly improved its effectiveness in assisting practitioners in building and maintaining their practice. The use of training sessions, along with high expectations of completing CPD, means barristers understand how to keep themselves up to date and who to speak to to ensure they are doing their best in every aspect of their work.

Next steps

We plan to continue with our internal masterclasses and hope to expand them further, covering a wider range of topics and areas so that they benefit Deans Court members the most.

We also plan to continue to promote the importance of CPD and ensure that all members meet the BSB’s requirements and expectations. CPD is an important aspect of any practising barrister’s career, and chambers will continue to support it as much as possible.

We are willing to contribute to the BSB’s strategic plans for promoting CPD and its benefits on a continuing basis, which highlight the strength of what the Bar offers the legal market.

We seek more case studies from practising barristers and their chambers or employers. To express your interest in developing a case study, please email [email protected].