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We have published guidance for professional clients of barristers and advisors regulated by OISC (the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner), to provide them with useful information when instructing immigration barristers. This was developed in collaboration with the SRA and OISC.
This guidance aims to ensure that professional clients, OISC advisors, solicitors and barristers understand their respective roles and that all parties work together in a way that delivers an effective service to the client. The guidance has been produced following input from practising immigration barristers and OISC advisors.
We have published guidance that aims to encourage barristers to follow good practice when they receive feedback from their clients. We have also published a guide for the public about using and leaving feedback about barristers' services.
Along with the other legal regulators, the BSB was asked by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to produce this guidance as one of the recommendations in its 2016 study into the legal services' market.
The guidance for barristers, which was developed with input from barristers, practice managers and clerks, aims to share:
- examples of good practice and practical advice to improve the systems that barristers and chambers already have in place;
- some of the barriers barristers face when collecting feedback and how they can be overcome;
- the sort of questions to ask when seeking feedback; and
- how barristers and chambers can use the information they receive.
The guide for the public is for people who are:
- looking for feedback to help them choose a barrister;
- looking to instruct a barrister based on feedback they have received from someone or have seen somewhere else; or
- wanting to give feedback on the service they have received from a barrister to help them improve their practice or to help others choose a barrister.
A user guide for barristers working with vulnerable adult immigration clients to help them identify, assess and manage client vulnerabilities in line with good practice.
This guide has been designed for all barristers working in immigration, whether acting on a referral or public access basis. However, it can be applied more generally if you are working with vulnerable clients.
Parts of this guide will also be useful for clerks, practice managers and others who have contact with vulnerable clients and responsibility for service delivery. Factsheet 7 of the guide is aimed specifically at clerks and practice managers.
Guide Structure
This guide has been developed with an immigration focus and comprises:
- A longer guidance document, following each stage of the immigration consumer journey
- Seven factsheets covering discreet topics:
- Factsheet 1 - Enabling access to your service
- Factsheet 2 - Identifying and assessing vulnerable clients and their need
- Factsheet 3 - Identifying victims of trafficking
- Factsheet 4 - Issues to consider in relation to court proceeding
- Factsheet 5 - Client care and communication
- Factsheet 6 - Issues with mental capacity
- Factsheet 7 - Dealing with vulnerable immigration clients (For clerks and practice managers)
- Two annexes:
- Annex 1 - Useful Contacts (to which you can direct your client towards additional support)
- Annex 2 - Further Resources
Copies of the translated versions can be found in the following languages:
The guidance was developed in collaboration with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), and following extensive consultation with consumer organisations and consumers themselves.
We have published guidance in collaboration with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), and following extensive consultation with consumer organisations and consumers themselves.
Two guidance documents have been developed:
We have published the results of a review into the Public and Licensed Access schemes. These schemes allow members of the public and other lay clients to instruct barristers directly without first instructing a solicitor or other intermediary.
The Bar Standards Board has published new guidance for barristers working in youth proceedings based on a set of essential competences that are expected of all advocates working with young people.
The Bar Standards Board has published the Immigration Thematic Review Report, which summarises the risks in the immigration advice and services market.