21 Mar 2023

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) is calling for tenders from bodies authorised to provide reserved legal activities (including the conduct of litigation) to provide legal advice, representation and other support.

Our current contract for legal support is due to expire in May 2023 and we are now opening the tender process for the provision of services for the next three-year cycle.

We are looking for providers with the knowledge, experience and capability to provide legal, and other, support in relation to our regulatory decision-making, litigation (including statutory appeals), outsourced investigations and disciplinary work (where necessary), as well as our contracts and data protection responsibilities.

We will accept tenders from firms who choose to bid for some (and not all) areas of work for which we seek support and reserve the right to appoint more than one firm in relation to some or all areas covered by this tender.

For a copy of the tender documentation, including our selection criteria and the process timetable, please email the Legal Support Team at LST@barstandardsboard.org.uk.

The tender will close at 10am on Monday 27 March 2023.

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