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Our research reports

Here you can find our published research reports, including regular statistical publications, research undertaken by the BSB Research team, and commissioned research reports. 

Consultations & responses

Get involved in our public consultations, read our responses to other consultations.

4 March 2025

Initial Assessment of Reports (Assessment of incoming information) (ROD02)

This pdf document contains a copy of our policy on how we initially assess reports.

3C: Centralised assessments

This section includes information on the vocational component centralised assessments including what subjects are covered by the exams, what to do before the exams and on the day of sitting, marking and results, and the results review process. Contact: [email protected] Overview 1  Vocational component centralised examinations are set on our behalf by the Central Examination Board (CEB). The CEB consists of a group of senior examiners, including experienced legal practitioners and academics. Psychometric and examination experts support the work of the CEB. 2  Centralised examinations were introduced to ensure consistency across course providers, and closer regulatory oversight of standards in knowledge subjects. The following Bar Training subjects are centrally examined: Civil Litigation and Evidence; and Criminal Litigation, Evidence and Sentencing. ...

BSB entities

This section is for you if you are a barrister or other authorised individual who wants to supply reserved legal activities through a BSB entity.

List of licences for instructing barristers

This is where you can find organisations and individuals that can instruct barristers via the Licensed Access scheme.

After an entity authorisation decision has been made

Find out what happens after we have made an authorisation decision about your BSB entity.

How to apply and the BSB entity application process

In this section, we explain how to apply to become a BSB entity and provide a step-by-step guide to the application process.

Authorisations Team Service Update

This page is updated weekly (or more frequently) to reflect changes to our service, including the volume of work being completed by the team.

Barrister training: waivers & exemptions

Find out how to apply for waivers and exemptions from the various components of Bar training.

General Information and FAQs

This page includes general information and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the work of the Authorisations Team.

Transferring Lawyer applications

This page includes information on applying to transfer to the Bar for qualified lawyers and other qualified legal professionals, key documents required in support of an application, and prioritisation requests.

Mr Henry Charles William King

Suspended from practice for 3 months from 01 April 2025 (Sentence still to take effect)
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Finding date

Reporting serious misconduct

About your duty to report your own serious misconduct or that of another barrister. How we handle such reports.

Our regulatory decision-making policies

From this page, you can access all our regulatory decision-making policies.

CPD Good Practice Case Studies

This page includes examples of good CPD practices, which barristers and their chambers or employers can use to help them reflect on and strengthen their approach to CPD.

Reporting concerns about barristers

On this page, we explain how to report concerns about the barristers and businesses we regulate.

Register of BSB entities

From this page, you can download a register of the specialist legal services businesses which we regulate.